About Us


To contribute to the national endeavor of empowering the youth, children and women to be self-reliant.

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a local developmental and humanitarian organization established in 2007 GC with a focus on ensuring a better future for kids, the youth, and women through direct investments and enhancement of quality education, ensuring gender equality and empowering youth and women, upholding community health, and supporting early childhood development. The organization was re-registered by the Federal Charities and Societies Agency in accordance with the 2009 CSO proclamation No.621/2009 and re-registered under the Civil Society Agency Proclamation 1113/2019 with a registration number 0259.

ESD has board of directors and management team. The board of directors is composed of five members it meets bi-annually to follow up project performances and take corrective measures when necessary. The management team led by the executive director and they are responsible for the day-to-day operational activities of the organization. ESD is currently running fourteen projects in Amhara, Oromia, Sidama,  South Ethiopia, and Central Ethiopia regional states focusing on six thematic areas; Early Child development, Girls and women empowerment, Education development, Youth Skills development and Job creation, Environment protection and Renewable energy  Emergency response and Resilience

ESD has 73 staff (41 female). It generates its funding from donors based in Switzerland, USA, Netherlands and Ethiopia which cover about 85-90% of the total finance and the rest 10-15% financial sources is covered through community contribution mainly in kind and labour.

Organizational Structure:

Board: composed of five volunteer members nominated and elected by the general assembly. It meets bi-annually to follow up project performances and take corrective measures when necessary.

The Management team is composed of five staff members represented form head office and the project offices led by the executive director and responsible for the day-to-day operational activities of the organization

Core Programmatic Intervention Areas

Child development

  • Early Childhood Care and Education
  • Child rights and protection
  • WASH facility development
  • Pedagogical center development

Girls and women empowerment

  • Livelihood initiatives
  • Youth sexual and reproductive health
  • Leadership development


  • Primary education focusing on quality improvement
  • Intercultural education
  • ICT for education

Youth Skills development and Job creation

  • Entrepreneurship development 
  • Technical and Vocational Education and Training
  • Leadership development

Climate Change Adoptability Promotion

  • Green livelihood
  • Solar and biogas development
  • Climate change resilience

Emergency Response and Resilience

  • Humanitarian service
  • Rehabilitation/social service
  • Peace and stability development
  • Education in emergency

  • Wash, health, and nutrition

  • Protection

Target Groups:

 With its projects’ interventions and the benefits of development works, ESD targets the community groups who are found in different contexts and in need of support for sustaining life as well as improving living conditions. It includes the following list:

  • Disadvantaged children, youth, women
  • School dropout and unemployed and, or underemployed youth
  • Disadvantaged school girls
  • Disadvantaged, adolescent girls and women
  • Immigrants’ youth from Arab and other countries
  • Internally displaced communities (natural and human-made calamities affected communities)

ESD is actively involved in the efforts of improving the socioeconomic status of disadvantaged children, youth and women. The following vision, mission, goal and values generally guide ESD.

Vision ESD aspires to see Ethiopia with empowered communities.

Mission ESD’S mission is to create a bright future for children, youth, and women through an integrated /comprehensive/ community development approach.

Core Programmatic Goal:

To contribute to the national endeavor of empowering the youth, children and women to be self-reliant

Core Values/Guiding Principles:

 During the operational process of the organization, ESD action is determined by considering the following core values and principles for upholding the rights of target community specifically children, youth and women.

  • Meaningful Participation: make all stakeholders to have key roles in the process
  • Stakeholders Engagement: Engage stakeholders in all levels of project cycle management
  • Cooperation: show willingness to play roles for common agendas with stakeholders
  • Integrity: maintaining strong ethical base in accountable and transparent manner
  • Partnership: create synergy with like-minded organizations
  • Gender Responsive: Make gender issues to be addressed in the intervention
  • Innovation: apply new ways of doing for better operations and to the end of targets
  • Stewardship: safe-guarding of resources on behalf of those it serves
  • Continuous Self-Assessment: ESD believes in conducting self-organizational assessment for betterment

Operational area of ESD

  • Oromia region
  • Amhara region
  • South Etheiopia
  • Siddama region; 
  • Central Ethiopia

Operating Model:

  • Community and Policy based Working within the existing policy framework of the country and avoiding the creation of parallel structures. Working closely with the local authorities and communities; developing trust and commitment for ensuring sustainability
  • Systemic Approach: Working at the individual level (target groups) institutional level schools, training institutions, local administration, government line offices, and district zonal and regional levels.
  • Project Development, Involving the target groups, communities, donors and the concerned government bodies throughout the project life

Quality Assurance:

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Maintaining the right tracking of the projects and assuring the quality of the intended results through periodic project monitoring, review meetings (self reflections) joint monitoring (with government and donors),annual report, midterm evaluation and project phase evaluation.
  • Social Audit: Assessing the performance of ESD by the target groups and government stakeholders and communities biannually.
  • Financial audit: Auditing of all financial transactions by an accredited chartered accountant firm annually


  • ESD is a member of Her choice alliance,  Education in Emergency cluster, Core Humanitarian Standard Alliance (CHS Alliance) Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association (CCRDA) Consortium of Self help approach Promotors (CoSAP), Girls not Bride,  Basic Education Network (BEN) and NGO forums in its operational areas

Human resources

  • Currently 73 full-time employees (41 females) on a contractual basis

 Financial resources:

  • Foreign funding (85%) and community contribution in terms of kind labor and indigenous knowledge (15%)

ESD’s Project offices

Debrebirhan in the North Shoa Zone of the Amhara Region

Hawassa in Sidama Region

Addis Ababa Capital city of Ethiopia /the organization Head office/